Progressive Surgical Care
Colorectal Surgeons and General Surgeons located in Flushing, Howard Beach, Queens & New Hyde Park, Long Island
Hernias are common and can affect anyone at any time. Probably one out of six men will develop a hernia in their lifetime. Women also suffer from hernias which may be more difficult to diagnose. To prevent complications such as incarceration or strangulation, surgery is necessary to repair a hernia. The experienced surgical team at Progressive Surgical Care, with New York offices in Flushing, Forest Hills, New Hyde Park, Long Island and Howard Beach, Queens, specializes in the treatment of hernias and can provide the care you need to repair your hernia and improve your health. For a consultation, call the office today.
Hernias Q & A
What is a hernia?
A hernia is a condition in which part of an organ or tissue pushes through a weak spot in your muscle, abdominal wall or fascia. Hernias can occur from pressure that causes the organ or tissue to push its way out of the weakened area. Any pressure in the area may cause you to develop a hernia, such as:
- Heavy lifting, pushing, pulling, or shoveling
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Coughing
- Sneezing
While the muscle weakness may be present at birth, poor diet, obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), coughing, and smoking contribute to muscle weakness and may place you at risk of developing a hernia or recurrent hernia.
What are the types of hernias?
Several types of hernias that are classified based on location. The types of hernias include:
Inguinal hernia
An inguinal hernia occurs in the groin area and may involve your digestive system or bladder.
Umbilical hernia
An umbilical hernia occurs when fat or a part of your small intestine pushes through the muscle near your belly button. Umbilical hernias are often seen in newborns and pregnancy, and are easily repaired as an out-patient procedure.
Incisional hernia
You may develop an incisional hernia if you’ve had previous abdominal surgery. In this case, part of your bowel bulges out at the site of your incision.
Ventral hernia
A ventral hernia develops along the vertical line of your abdomen on the ventral surface and may cause part of your tissue or intestines to bulge through. An umbilical hernia is a type of ventral hernia.
Femoral hernia
Femoral hernias are more common in women, especially during pregnancy. With this type of hernia, a portion of the bowel pushes into the femoral canal in your thigh that houses your femoral vessels.
Hiatal hernia
A hiatal hernia affects your stomach and esophagus and occurs when a portion of your stomach pushes through the opening in your diaphragm and into your chest cavity. You may experience reflux-like symptoms with this type of hernia.
Larger hiatal hernias don’t get better with time and require surgical intervention to prevent further complications such as twisting and obstructing.
What type of surgery do I need to repair my hernia?
Your specialist at Progressive Surgical Care determines the best course of action for your hernia based on the type of hernia you have and its size, as well as your symptoms. Surgery is the primary treatment for a hernia.
The experienced surgical team at Progressive Surgical Care offers many surgical options, including laparoscopic, robotic surgery, and open surgery, for repair of your hernia. Your doctor works closely with you to determine the best type of procedure for you. Surgery can be done with and without mesh. All the newest, light-weight, synthetic, and biologic meshes are offered and tailored to the patient’s defect and need.
Hernias are one of the most common surgical conditions and need the most appropriate surgical treatment to prevent both complications and progression of disease with risk of strangulation, and permanent tissue damage. For an evaluation and surgical plan for your hernia, call Progressive Surgical Care today or request an appointment online.
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